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516 lines
File: AppleEvents.h
Contains: AppleEvent Package Interfaces.
Version: Technology: System 7.5
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
#ifndef __APPLEEVENTS__
#define __APPLEEVENTS__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __MEMORY__
#include <Memory.h>
#ifndef __MIXEDMODE__
#include <MixedMode.h>
#ifndef __NOTIFICATION__
#include <Notification.h>
#ifndef __EVENTS__
#include <Events.h>
#ifndef __KERNEL__
#include <Kernel.h>
#ifndef __AEDATAMODEL__
#include <AEDataModel.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma import on
#pragma options align=mac68k
enum {
/* Keywords for Apple event parameters */
keyDirectObject = '----',
keyErrorNumber = 'errn',
keyErrorString = 'errs',
keyProcessSerialNumber = 'psn ', /* Keywords for special handlers */
keyPreDispatch = 'phac', /* preHandler accessor call */
keySelectProc = 'selh', /* more selector call */
/* Keyword for recording */
keyAERecorderCount = 'recr', /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
/* Keyword for version information */
keyAEVersion = 'vers' /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
/* Event Class */
enum {
kCoreEventClass = 'aevt'
/* Event ID's */
enum {
kAEOpenApplication = 'oapp',
kAEOpenDocuments = 'odoc',
kAEPrintDocuments = 'pdoc',
kAEQuitApplication = 'quit',
kAEAnswer = 'ansr',
kAEApplicationDied = 'obit'
/* Constants for recording */
enum {
kAEStartRecording = 'reca', /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
kAEStopRecording = 'recc', /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
kAENotifyStartRecording = 'rec1', /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
kAENotifyStopRecording = 'rec0', /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
kAENotifyRecording = 'recr' /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
typedef struct OpaqueAEDispatcherID* AEDispatcherID;
typedef struct OpaqueAEDispatcherRef* AEDispatcherRef;
typedef struct OpaqueAEHandlerTableRef* AEHandlerTableRef;
typedef struct OpaqueAEDelayedSendRef* AEDelayedSendRef;
/* this will be removed by D11E3 or earlier (!!!)*/
typedef AEHandlerTableRef AEHandlerTable;
typedef OptionBits AEReceiveMode;
enum {
kAEReceiveForever = 0x00000000,
kAEReceiveOneEvent = 0x00000001,
kAEReceiveUntilUnhandledEvent = 0x00000002
/* parameter to AESend */
typedef OptionBits AESendOptions;
enum {
kAENeverInteract = 0x00000010, /* server should not interact with user */
kAECanInteract = 0x00000020, /* server may try to interact with user */
kAEAlwaysInteract = 0x00000030, /* server should always interact with user where appropriate */
kAECanSwitchLayer = 0x00000040, /* interaction may switch layer */
kAEDontRecord = 0x00001000, /* don't record this event - available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
kAEDontExecute = 0x00002000, /* don't send the event for recording - available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
kAEProcessNonReplyEvents = 0x00008000 /* allow processing of non-reply events while awaiting synchronous AppleEvent reply */
typedef SInt32 AESendMode;
enum {
kAENoReply = 0x00000001, /* sender doesn't want a reply to event */
kAEQueueReply = 0x00000002, /* sender wants a reply but won't wait */
kAEWaitReply = 0x00000003, /* sender wants a reply and will wait */
kAEDontReconnect = 0x00000080, /* don't reconnect if there is a sessClosedErr from PPCToolbox */
kAEWantReceipt = 0x00000200 /* (nReturnReceipt) sender wants a receipt of message */
/* Constants for timeout durations */
enum {
kAEDefaultTimeout = -1, /* timeout value determined by AEM */
kNoTimeOut = -2 /* wait until reply comes back, however long it takes */
/* priority param of AESend */
typedef SInt16 AESendPriority;
enum {
kAENormalPriority = 0x00000000, /* post message at the end of the event queue */
kAEHighPriority = 0x00000001 /* post message at the front of the event queue (same as nAttnMsg) */
typedef SInt8 AEEventSource;
enum {
kAEUnknownSource = 0,
kAEDirectCall = 1,
kAESameProcess = 2,
kAELocalProcess = 3,
kAERemoteProcess = 4
typedef pascal OSErr (*AEEventHandlerProcPtr)(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, UInt32 handlerRefcon);
typedef pascal Boolean (*AEIdleProcPtr)(EventRecord *theEvent, long *sleepTime, RgnHandle *mouseRgn);
typedef pascal Boolean (*AEFilterProcPtr)(EventRecord *theEvent, long returnID, long transactionID, const AEAddressDesc *sender);
typedef UniversalProcPtr AEEventHandlerUPP;
typedef UniversalProcPtr AEIdleUPP;
typedef UniversalProcPtr AEFilterUPP;
typedef AEEventHandlerProcPtr AEEventHandlerUPP;
typedef AEIdleProcPtr AEIdleUPP;
typedef AEFilterProcPtr AEFilterUPP;
enum {
uppAEEventHandlerProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
| STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(1, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(const AppleEvent *)))
uppAEIdleProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
| RESULT_SIZE(SIZE_CODE(sizeof(Boolean)))
| STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(1, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(EventRecord *)))
uppAEFilterProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
| RESULT_SIZE(SIZE_CODE(sizeof(Boolean)))
| STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(1, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(EventRecord *)))
| STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(4, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(const AEAddressDesc *)))
#define NewAEEventHandlerProc(userRoutine) \
(AEEventHandlerUPP) NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppAEEventHandlerProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
#define NewAEIdleProc(userRoutine) \
(AEIdleUPP) NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppAEIdleProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
#define NewAEFilterProc(userRoutine) \
(AEFilterUPP) NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppAEFilterProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
#define NewAEEventHandlerProc(userRoutine) \
((AEEventHandlerUPP) (userRoutine))
#define NewAEIdleProc(userRoutine) \
((AEIdleUPP) (userRoutine))
#define NewAEFilterProc(userRoutine) \
((AEFilterUPP) (userRoutine))
#define CallAEEventHandlerProc(userRoutine, theAppleEvent, reply, handlerRefcon) \
CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppAEEventHandlerProcInfo, (theAppleEvent), (reply), (handlerRefcon))
#define CallAEIdleProc(userRoutine, theEvent, sleepTime, mouseRgn) \
CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppAEIdleProcInfo, (theEvent), (sleepTime), (mouseRgn))
#define CallAEFilterProc(userRoutine, theEvent, returnID, transactionID, sender) \
CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppAEFilterProcInfo, (theEvent), (returnID), (transactionID), (sender))
#define CallAEEventHandlerProc(userRoutine, theAppleEvent, reply, handlerRefcon) \
(*(userRoutine))((theAppleEvent), (reply), (handlerRefcon))
#define CallAEIdleProc(userRoutine, theEvent, sleepTime, mouseRgn) \
(*(userRoutine))((theEvent), (sleepTime), (mouseRgn))
#define CallAEFilterProc(userRoutine, theEvent, returnID, transactionID, sender) \
(*(userRoutine))((theEvent), (returnID), (transactionID), (sender))
typedef OSStatus (*AEEventHandlerProc)(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, void *handlerRefcon, AEHandlerTableRef handlerTable);
The next couple of calls are basic routines used to create, send,
and process AppleEvents.
extern pascal OSErr AESend(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, AESendMode sendMode, AESendPriority sendPriority, long timeOutInTicks, AEIdleUPP idleProc, AEFilterUPP filterProc)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0D17, 0xA816);
extern pascal OSErr AEProcessAppleEvent(const EventRecord *theEventRecord)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x021B, 0xA816);
The next set of calls are basic routines used to send and process AppleEvents.
the reply param MUST be created by the caller if a reply is requested
otherwise, the caller must specify nil, or a NULL AppleEvent, if no reply is requested
extern OSStatus AESendEvent(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, AESendOptions sendOpts, AESendPriority sendPriority, Duration timeoutDuration);
extern OSStatus AESendEventQueueReply(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, const AEAddressDesc *replyAddress, AESendOptions sendOpts, AESendPriority sendPriority);
the reply param MUST be created by the caller if a reply is requested
otherwise, the caller must specify nil, or a NULL AppleEvent, if no reply is requested
extern OSStatus AESendEventToSelf(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, AEDispatcherRef whichDispatcher, AESendOptions sendOpts);
extern OSStatus AESendDelayed(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, Duration delayForSend, AEDelayedSendRef *delayedSend);
extern OSStatus AECancelDelayedSend(AEDelayedSendRef delayedSend);
The next couple of calls are for causing kernel asynchronous completion
notifications to send an AppleEvent when they fire.
extern OSStatus AECreateNotifier(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, KernelNotification *theNotification);
extern OSStatus AEDisposeNotifier(const KernelNotification *theNotification);
Note: during event processing, an event handler may realize that it is likely
to exceed the client's timeout limit. Passing the reply to this
routine causes a wait event to be generated that asks the client
for more time.
extern pascal OSErr AEResetTimer(const AppleEvent *reply)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0219, 0xA816);
The following three calls are used to allow applications to behave
courteously when a user interaction such as a dialog box is needed.
typedef SInt8 AEInteractAllowed;
enum {
kAEInteractWithSelf = 0,
kAEInteractWithLocal = 1,
kAEInteractWithAll = 2
extern pascal OSErr AEGetInteractionAllowed(AEInteractAllowed *level)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x021D, 0xA816);
extern pascal OSErr AESetInteractionAllowed(AEInteractAllowed level)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x011E, 0xA816);
extern pascal OSErr AEInteractWithUser(long timeOutInTicks, NMRecPtr nmReqPtr, AEIdleUPP idleProc)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x061C, 0xA816);
These calls are used to create and dispose Apple event handler tables,
as well as to install, get and remove handlers from them.
extern OSStatus AENewHandlerTable(AEHandlerTableRef *newTable, void *refCon);
extern OSStatus AENewFilterHandlerTable(AEHandlerTableRef *newTable, void *refCon);
extern OSStatus AEShareHandlerTable(AEHandlerTableRef table, void *newRefcon, AEHandlerTableRef *newSharedReference);
extern OSStatus AEDisposeHandlerTable(AEHandlerTableRef table);
extern OSStatus AEGetHandlerTableRefCon(AEHandlerTableRef table, void **refCon);
extern OSStatus AEInstallHandler(AEHandlerTableRef table, AEEventClass handlerClass, AEEventID handlerID, AEEventHandlerProc handler, void *handlerRefcon);
extern OSStatus AERemoveHandler(AEHandlerTableRef table, AEEventClass handlerClass, AEEventID handlerID, AEEventHandlerProc handler);
extern OSStatus AEGetHandler(AEHandlerTableRef table, AEEventClass handlerClass, AEEventID handlerID, AEEventHandlerProc *handler, void **handlerRefcon);
These calls are used to setup and get events from Apple event dispatchers.
extern AEDispatcherRef AEGetDefaultDispatcher(void );
extern OSStatus AECreateEventDispatcher(AEDispatcherRef *newDispatcher, MemAllocatorRef allocator);
extern OSStatus AEDisposeEventDispatcher(AEDispatcherRef deadDispatcher);
extern OSStatus AEGetEventDispatcherID(AEDispatcherRef dispatcher, AEDispatcherID *globalIdentity);
extern OSStatus AEPushDispatcherHandlerTable(AEDispatcherRef dispatcher, AEHandlerTableRef table);
extern OSStatus AEPopDispatcherHandlerTable(AEDispatcherRef dispatcher, AEHandlerTableRef *table);
extern OSStatus AEGetDispatcherTopHandlerTable(AEDispatcherRef dispatcher, AEHandlerTableRef *table);
extern OSStatus AEReceive(AEDispatcherRef waitDispatcher, AEReceiveMode receiveMode);
These calls are used to set up and modify the event dispatch table.
extern pascal OSErr AEInstallEventHandler(AEEventClass theAEEventClass, AEEventID theAEEventID, AEEventHandlerUPP handler, long handlerRefcon, Boolean isSysHandler)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x091F, 0xA816);
extern pascal OSErr AERemoveEventHandler(AEEventClass theAEEventClass, AEEventID theAEEventID, AEEventHandlerUPP handler, Boolean isSysHandler)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0720, 0xA816);
extern pascal OSErr AEGetEventHandler(AEEventClass theAEEventClass, AEEventID theAEEventID, AEEventHandlerUPP *handler, long *handlerRefcon, Boolean isSysHandler)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0921, 0xA816);
The following four calls are available for applications which need more
sophisticated control over when and how events are processed. Applications
which implement multi-session servers or which implement their own
internal event queueing will probably be the major clients of these
routines. They can be called from within a handler to prevent the AEM from
disposing of the AppleEvent when the handler returns. They can be used to
asynchronously process the event (as MacApp does).
extern pascal OSErr AESuspendTheCurrentEvent(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x022B, 0xA816);
Note: The following routine tells the AppleEvent manager that processing
is either about to resume or has been completed on a previously suspended
event. The procPtr passed in as the dispatcher parameter will be called to
attempt to redispatch the event. Several constants for the dispatcher
parameter allow special behavior. They are:
- kAEUseStandardDispatch means redispatch as if the event was just
received, using the standard AppleEvent dispatch mechanism.
- kAENoDispatch means ignore the parameter.
Use this in the case where the event has been handled and no
redispatch is needed.
- non nil means call the routine which the dispatcher points to.
/* Constants for Refcon in AEResumeTheCurrentEvent with kAEUseStandardDispatch */
enum {
kAEDoNotIgnoreHandler = 0x00000000,
kAEIgnoreAppPhacHandler = 0x00000001, /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
kAEIgnoreAppEventHandler = 0x00000002, /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
kAEIgnoreSysPhacHandler = 0x00000004, /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
kAEIgnoreSysEventHandler = 0x00000008, /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
kAEIngoreBuiltInEventHandler = 0x00000010, /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
kAEDontDisposeOnResume = 0x80000000 /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
/* Constants for AEResumeTheCurrentEvent */
enum {
kAENoDispatch = 0, /* dispatch parameter to AEResumeTheCurrentEvent takes a pointer to a dispatch */
kAEUseStandardDispatch = 0xFFFFFFFF /* table, or one of these two constants */
extern pascal OSErr AEResumeTheCurrentEvent(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, const AppleEvent *reply, AEEventHandlerUPP dispatcher, long handlerRefcon)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0818, 0xA816);
extern pascal OSErr AEGetTheCurrentEvent(AppleEvent *theAppleEvent)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x021A, 0xA816);
extern pascal OSErr AESetTheCurrentEvent(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x022C, 0xA816);
These calls are used to set up and modify special hooks into the
AppleEvent manager.
extern pascal OSErr AEInstallSpecialHandler(AEKeyword functionClass, UniversalProcPtr handler, Boolean isSysHandler)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0500, 0xA816);
extern pascal OSErr AERemoveSpecialHandler(AEKeyword functionClass, UniversalProcPtr handler, Boolean isSysHandler)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0501, 0xA816);
extern pascal OSErr AEGetSpecialHandler(AEKeyword functionClass, UniversalProcPtr *handler, Boolean isSysHandler)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x052D, 0xA816);
extern OSStatus AEInstallSpecialCallback(AEDispatcherRef dispatcher, AEKeyword functionClass, ProcPtr handler);
extern OSStatus AERemoveSpecialCallback(AEDispatcherRef dispatcher, AEKeyword functionClass, ProcPtr handler);
extern OSStatus AEGetSpecialCallback(AEDispatcherRef dispatcher, AEKeyword functionClass, ProcPtr *handler);
This call was added in version 1.0.1. If called with the keyword
keyAERecorderCount ('recr'), the number of recorders that are
currently active is returned in 'result'
(available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater).
extern pascal OSErr AEManagerInfo(AEKeyword keyWord, long *result)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0441, 0xA816);
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma import off
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __APPLEEVENTS__ */